Super Yachts (The Aqua)

Hydrogen hype is upon us.
A couple weeks ago a friend called me and said, essentially: “Hi Joe, hope you’re safe and happy, no corona and all of that. Hey, quick question for you: my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate has made a ton in Nikola, and you know something about hydrogen, do you think I should invest too?”
Hydrogen – the colorless, odorless, non-toxic fuel. It’s the simplest element, consisting of just a single electron orbiting around a single proton. It’s the lightest gas, lighter than helium, so light in fact that it will actually rise out of the Earth’s atmosphere and leak into space. Fuel cells use hydrogen by directly converting its energy into electricity, without burning it and without pollution. In this process, this simple element is converted into a compound we all know well and rely on, pure water.