ZEA Services Platform
Where are you now, where do you go next?
Orienting yourself in the context of goals, constraints, opportunities and the market is important. In order to develop a plan, you need to be clear on where you are and where you want to go.
Making new energy accessible and actionable is our philosophy. We can help simplify the process by creating a clear picture of where you are and what steps you can take to move forward. This is the first step in the journey ending in a transformation of how you use energy.
A "Systems Level" Approach To Planning
We see a lot of vendor driven deployments and politically driven strategies; this is a detriment to the industry at large. There are tremendous opportunities for finding operational, technical and commercial benefits when an ecosystem is looked at holistically and through a technology agnostic lens. Internally our mantra is take a "systems level" approach and do it in a localized fashion. Our purpose is to be the fair dealer and serve as a source of truth for the industry.
A plan is only as good as its inputs. Analyzing and cataloging operational requirements, fleet characteristics, risks and benefits are just some of the components necessary to conduct comparative analysis. Some technologies offer opportunities for fundamentally improving current operations and/or present new constraints. Having a clear baseline analysis as a usable, single source of truth is a critical to avoid expensive mistakes.
A good plan addresses stakeholder engagement, funding, costs, operations, regulations and much more. Reports are valuable but a work product supporting implementation must be usable and accessible. Analysis informs planning, it is not planning. This is what differentiates an actionable plan from a "report." We can help your team develop a plan that your organization can stand behind and act on with confidence.
Understanding the unique challenges that come with fuel cell, battery technology and infrastructure deployments will save you from making mistakes others have learned from. Selecting the right partners, negotiating healthy contracts and effective coordination is core to meeting deadlines and performance benchmarks. We're not experts at everything, we are experts at orchestration and knowing what it takes to get the job done right.
Infrastructure Development
Refueling, Charging & Hydrogen Production
Green Hydrogen Production
Green hydrogen is finally at the crossroads, becoming cost-competitive with alternative fuels or energy sources. Hydrogen offers opportunities for energy independence, export revenue, jobs creation and tremendous investment. It adds resiliency benefits and the only fully zero-emission transportation fuel that can support energy intensive applications.
Whether you're a government looking to develop a thriving hydrogen economy or a commercial entity looking for opportunities in new markets, we can help you at any stage of the process.
Charging & Fueling Infrastructure
Fleet transformation is often spoken of as a chicken and egg conundrum due to the dependencies. We reject this metaphor and offer that it is an opportunity to co-develop offtake opportunities with infrastructure. Starting with an understanding of the mix of technologies best suited for a fleet and the timeline for conversion/adoption, the infrastructure can be solved for. We stay abreast of innovative infrastructure technologies to help you cut through the noise.
Medium & Heavy Duty Fleet Electrification
Formerly considered a "hard to reach" sector, electrifying most medium & heavy duty equipment is now possible using a mix of fuel cell & battery technology. Our team has been on the leading edge of advancing solutions for equipment with higher power and energy requirements such as commercial maritime and shore power. We can help you identify the right technology solutions and vendors with confidence due to our decades of experience in R&D and implementation. Our experience working directly with regulatory agencies allows us to reduce risk and ensure any technology deployed is compliant with or exceeds standards. Where there are no standards, we can even work with your local stakeholders to help develop them.
Commercial Hubs
Ports (Marine & Inland)
Other Fleets
We have expertise with
List of Services
- Grant Writing
- Regional Planning
- Project Development
- Project Management
- Program Management
- Vendor Selection & Contracting
- Feasibility Assessments
- Public Speaking & Education
- Regulatory Approvals